Bilingual Montessori

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Grammar/Gramatica-Un & Una



I created this work to help my students learn the appropriate use of indefinite articles.  The work consists of placing a picture of an object under its corresponding article.

Yo hice este trabajo para ayudar a mis estudiantes a aprender el uso correcto de los articulos indefinidos-un & una.  El trabajo consiste en colocar la lamina debajo de su articulo correspondiente.

The objects in the pictures are the following:
Los objectos en las laminas son los siguientes (de izq. a derecha): luna, calabaza, delantal, pavo, esfera,  piramide, cubo, cono, lapiz, crayon, pegamento, tijera


  1. Hi,
    I just found your blog. It look very interesting and resourceful. Next year I will be teaching bilingual ed. I would like to know how can I make it easy to get your resources?

  2. Hi Elena:
    Right under the picture, the link should appear. The label has the link.
